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This page contains all of the information on setting up VS Code display how I prefer it.

File Explorer

The indentation size on the file explorer is really really small on some high resolution monitors, so increasing it can help with navigation a whole lot. To do this, change the indent setting to something higher (in pixels). 25 is typically pretty good.

"workbench.tree.indent": 25

Line Length Rulers

When developing, I find line length easy to forget about and before I know it I have a monstrous 150 character line. To add a small vertical line in VS Code as a visual reminder, do the following:

  1. Open VS Code
  2. Hit Ctrl + Shift + p to open the command palette
  3. Type “Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)”
  4. Add this JSON specification on a new line:
     "editor.rulers": [100]

    where the value (the thing after the colon) is a list which tells VS Code where to put a vertical line.

    You can also set multiple vertical lines, though I’m not a huge fan of that. I’m personally a fan of the 100 character line limit since it’s not very restrictive but still allows for full side-by-side viewing of two files on most modern 24 inch monitors.


A sort of random collection of tips and tricks.

Single Page Display Scaling


My motivation for this is that I have multiple monitors with different resolutions. VS Code’s default setting is to keep the same zoom level consistent across all monitors which I dislike.


A step-by-step detailing of how to change the single page display scaling. The steps are outlined below.

  1. Go to settings in the lower right hand corner.
  2. Click the settings dialog from the popup menu (or hit Ctrl + ,).
  3. Search for “zoom”.
  4. Chech the checkbox called “Editor”.

Unfortunately, this only works for mouse zooming, the keyboard zooming still affects all VS Code instances. However, I can live with this solution.

Written by Dylan Colli