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Writing JSON Files


This page goes over how to write JSON files using Python.

Writing JSON Files Using Python

JSON files are written using dictionaries in Python. The dictionary class mimics the tree structure of a JSON perfectly.

The following is an example of writing a simple dictionary to a JSON file.

# Import the json module for reading/writing JSONs.
import json

# Describe the file path where you would like to save the JSON file.
JSON_FILE_PATH = "python_writing_demo.json"

# Form the dictionary that we would like to write. Notice how close this syntax
# is to the JSON structure!
our_dict = {
  "model1": {
    "mode": "fast",
    "solver": 2
  "model2": {
    "mode": "slow",
    "solver": 4
  "y0": [10, 112.07]

# Now we write the dictionary to a JSON file. 
# NOTE: As with the Python JSON "reading" demo, it is best practice to use
#       `with` here since it automatically handles the closing of the file.
with open(JSON_FILE_PATH, 'w') as f:
  json.dump(our_dict, f, indent=2)

Note how we included indent=2 in the last line of the example. This automatically formats your JSON file to be far more readable.

Written by the Campbell Muscle Lab